Looking for Megatar Strings? 

You can get everything you need from these guys:   www.kaliumstrings.com

They have high quality strings and good service.

If the gauge is off by a thousand or two it does not make a difference.

String gauge info below.

Straight Fourths Tunings:

Bass:  C-.025w  G-.035w  D-.050w  A-.065w  E-.085w  B-.100w

Melody:  D-.009  A-.011  E-.012  B-.016  F#-.029w  C#-.040w

Note:  The original melody B-.016 can be bumped up to a .019 for a little more consistent tension. The .016 is how they have always been strung, but the .016 string is a little bit slack in my opinion. You can choose to keep it how it is or increase the size a little.  It is a matter of personal preference.  


Inverted Fifths Tuning:

Bass:  C-.095w  G-.080w  D-.060w  A-.030w  E-.016  B-.010

Melody:  D-.009  A-.011  E-.012  B-.016  F#-.029w  C#-.040w


